The Voice of the Soul: A Spiritual Autobiography

If you hunger for something but do not know what it is, this spiritual memoir could be the most exciting and fulfilling journey that you will ever take. It is the true story of Judith Pennington, a busy freelance writer and single parent who believes in neither herself nor God, yet late one night picks up pen and paper, hears an inner voice, and records the wisest, most sensible guidance she's ever heard.


Over the next 12 years, these lyrical "writings" beckon her out of darkness into light. But who or what is this wise, kindly voice? Finding out takes the reader on a riveting journey into the depths of the human psyche and to spiritual power points in Medjugorje, Virginia Beach, the Findhorn Community, and the Celtic isle of Iona, where she walks in beauty and the psychic, discovers the science of spirituality, and embarks on her soul's destiny.


No matter where you are on your journey, you will meet yourself in this universal story of personal transformation and enlightenment. The second half of the book, a selection of the author's beautiful, mystical writings of great wisdom, will resonate with the voice of your soul. 259 pages. Available in soft cover or as an e-book.


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Conscious Evolution + Networked Communities = Personal and Planetary Transformation. Catch the wave, raise the vibration of the Infinite Quantum Field!

Judith Pennington

5752 Shady Lane

Bath, Pennsylvania  18014

Tel: (610) 570-1107
